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29/1/2023 | New shader: Barth Decic (+ Halley's Method)
The Barth Decic, raytraced with root-finding algorithm. I added a 3rd-order root-finding algorithm but it doesn't do much better, possibly due to precision issues. The rendered image has far fewer artifacts with Halley's method than Newton's, but is still not completely perfect. The 3rd-order Householder's method doesn't improve things much in this implementation, but it might be suffering from a lack of numerical precision. https://www.shadertoy.com/view/dtlXzB |
28/1/2023 | New shader: Barth Sextic (+ Halley's Method)
The Barth Sextic, raymarched by using the 2nd-order root-finding algorithm Halley's method for distance calculations. https://www.shadertoy.com/view/DlfXzB |
23/1/2023 | New shader: Paraboloid Grid Traced
A somewhat hastily-made raytracer inspired by Jakob Thomsen's Planar Quadrilateral Grid Traced shader, using paraboloid surfaces instead of planar surfaces for cell geometry. https://www.shadertoy.com/view/ctsSzM |
24/11/2022 | New shader: Wythoff-Constructed Weaves
I took the non-snub tilings from my uniform tilings shader and came up with a way to draw splines in the fundamental region (two variants) to create weaves. Clickdrag to select tiling and scroll vertically. https://www.shadertoy.com/view/cslXRX |
22/11/2022 | New shader: Woven Pipes Tiling II
A variation on my previous shader. Here the number of pipes in a cell is variable. https://www.shadertoy.com/view/dssSRB |
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