Name | Purpose | Requires vid_restart | Requires gl_pt_recompile_shaders |
gl_pt_enable | Enables the pathtracing codepath. When this is set to zero, the original Quake 2 rendering is used and all other pathtracer settings are ignored. | No | No |
gl_pt_stats_enable | Enables a continuous display of per-frame information. This is useful for finding out how well the pathtracer is performing. | No | No |
gl_pt_bounces | The number of secondary bounces of light. A value of 0 means all illumination is direct. Note: The sky is not sampled by secondary bounces. | No | Yes |
gl_pt_shadow_samples | The number of shadow rays to cast towards an individual lightsource. A higher number of shadow samples means less noise in shadows. Zero shadow samples means no shadows at all. | No | Yes |
gl_pt_light_samples | The number of light samples to make. A higher number of light samples means less noise overall, but the shader must re-compute importance sampling weights for each light sample (since storing them in registers is prohibitively slow). Zero light samples means no light from explicitly-sampled lightsources. | No | Yes |
gl_pt_sky_enable | Enables light emission from the sky. If this is disabled then the sky itself is still drawn, it just won't emit any light. | No | Yes |
gl_pt_sky_samples | The number of BRDF-sampled rays to trace and test against skyportals. | No | Yes |
gl_pt_ao_enable | Enables ambient occlusion | No | Yes |
gl_pt_ao_radius | The ambient occlusion radius. | No | No |
gl_pt_ao_color | The color of the ambient occlusion contribution. Note: This is a scalar value because Quake 2's console doesn't allow vector-valued variables. | No | No |
gl_pt_ao_samples | The number of BRDF-sampled rays to trace for ambient occlusion. | No | Yes |
gl_pt_translucent_surfaces_enable | Currently not used, but will be used to enable the application of pathtracing to translucent surfaces. | No | No |
gl_pt_lightstyles_enable | Enables the use of lightstyles (animated colour and intensity of static entity lightsources). | No | No |
gl_pt_dlights_enable | Enables the use of dlights (dynamic lightsources created at runtime by entities). | No | No |
gl_pt_brushmodel_shadows_enable | Enables the casting of shadows by brushmodels (entities with rigid polygonal geometry defined by the BSP). | No | Yes |
gl_pt_aliasmodel_shadows_enable | Enables the casting of shadows by aliasmodels (entities with deforming triangle mesh geometry defined by separate MD2 files). | No | Yes |
gl_pt_bounce_factor | The scalar amount of absorption simulated at each surface-light interaction in secondary bounces. Has no effect if the number of bounces is zero. | No | No |
gl_pt_diffuse_map_enable | Enables the modulation of light by the surface albedo maps (the original textures of Quake 2). | No | Yes |
gl_pt_static_entity_lights_enable | Enables the creation of static entity lights when the map is loaded. These lights can be quite costly as for each one 4 triangular lightsources are created, arranged in a tetrahedron. | Yes | No |
gl_pt_depth_prepass_enable | Enables a depth pre-pass which draws all entities into the depth buffer before pathtracing is performed. This eliminates overdraw (except for translucent surfaces) with minimal drawcall overhead so is recommended for improving performance. | No | No |
gl_pt_taa_enable | Enables temporal anti-aliasing, which is a form of anti-aliasing which re-uses the previously-rendered frame and blends between them in a smart way. | No | Yes |
gl_pt_exposure | Sets the exposure parameter for tone-mapping. Currently the tonemapping is Simple Reinhard only. | No | No |
gl_pt_gamma | Sets the gamma exponent of the display. Gamma is applied after tonemapping but before TAA, due to engine limitations. | No | No |
gl_pt_bump_factor | Sets strength of the bumpmapping effect. A higher value means more pronounced bumps. | No | No |
gl_pt_bump_enable | Enables the bumpmapping effect. Bump maps are generated automatically from diffuse maps by interpreting diffuse pixel brightness as bump height. | No | Yes |
gl_pt_brushlights_enable | Enables the casting of light from brushlights, which are those lights attached to moving level objects such as elevators and platforms. | No | No |
gl_pt_specular_factor | Sets a factor adjusting the blending between pure diffuse and pure specular reflection. | No | No |