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27/8/2023 | New shader: Golden Quad Weave Tiling
Tiling with alternating connection points, which allows the lines to be drawn off-center. https://www.shadertoy.com/view/dllfzS |
21/8/2023 | New shader: Bicycle Chain on Sprockets
Animated SDF model of a chain made from links fitted to a pair of sprockets. Some things to note:
https://www.shadertoy.com/view/DtXBRN |
8/8/2023 | New shader: Radial Repeat SDF Mapping
A function to remap coordinates (without using any loops!) for an SDF so that the SDF is repeated in a ring with a given size and number of repetitions without breaking the correctness of the resulting SDF. Three examples are given during the animation. https://www.shadertoy.com/view/mlByzD |
13/7/2023 | New shader: Perspective Distortion Example
A small example of the distortion effects caused by relatively wide or narrow fields of view. Click and drag horizontally to manually change the camera distance. https://www.shadertoy.com/view/DdfBDl |
14/4/2023 | New shader: Simple & Cheap Die SDF
A simple SDF for a die with the correct mappings of dots to faces. Although it has a lot of branches, it's cheap in the way that it makes use of symmetries of the dots and faces instead of using loops and arrays of coordinates. https://www.shadertoy.com/view/csySDG |
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